Tuesday, November 20, 2007

All Roads Lead to Rome

Without our GPS, we downlowded MapQuest directions to help get us to our car drop off location just outside of Rome's airport. It was raining when we got up and stayed that way until we were just outside of Rome. The cardboard and duct tape only needed one repair on the trip and we found the drop off location without incident. As we had reported the break-in on the car, they did not have a problem with the broken window. They took us to the train station and we headed for Rome and our hotel.

The hotel is very comfortable and within walking distance to all the main sites. We unpacked, went for a long walk to get our bearings and went for a genuie Roman Pizza. Tomorrow the real exploring begins.
Geoff Checking out the Blackberry as Rita Unpacks

Rita Checking out the Tiber River

Saint Pauls Dome in the Distance

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